All SUWADA nail nippers are fully handcrafted one by one, from forging to finishing processes, by our expert craftspeople. Using techniques and experience accumulated over the many years since the company was established, we have dedicated ourselves to perfecting the original function of edged tools, namely cutting. Today we manufacture over 20 models of nail nippers. They are beautifully formed with the aim of supporting their primary function of cutting, with their blades gently curved to fit the shape of nails and their edges capable of cutting even thick nails, ingrown nails, and deformed nails. SUWADA nail nippers are favoured not only by household users but also by professionals at nail salons and medical clinics around the world.
Nail Nippers

The razor sharp cutting performance will leave your nail smooth that you will not need the nail file afterwards. The two blades are sharpened in and out by hand by our most skillful artisans in Japan. Gently curved blades follow the curvature of your nails for comfort and ease.

Sophisticated and stylish design allows you to feel a sense of stability while using. The blades are carefully sharpened by our craftspeople from both sides to achieve great sharpness. Integrated nail file will complete your nail grooming process.